Let's get one strait while there are a ton of benefits to Jamaican Black Castor oil, hair growth isn't one of them. There are a TON of benefits of which I'll list below as well as the best protocol to use but I'm amazed by how many people think that products like this alone will make you grow more hair. Don't get me wrong, if you have a chemical imbalance, dry/unhealthy skin or clogged pores then yes you will absolutely see a dramatic difference in the quality and fullness of your hair but that has more to do with an imbalance in your body than the castor oil working magic. Visit our homepage for more facial hair remedies.
Jamaican Black vs Regular
Other than the obvious one color, there are a few major differences that matter. The lighter versions of the oil are said to be "purer" do to the fact that it's cold pressed. JB on the other hand isn't cold pressed, it's actually roasted castor seeds that are ground then boiled. So the real question is who do you trust? Because it's obvious that the pure oil has gone through a better process of extraction but the Jamaican process has such a cult following that people swear by. I'll be honest, in my opinion always go with the better processed product no matter how good the trendy one sounds.
What Are The Benefits
Treats Dry Hair
Due to the high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids it makes a option for treating dry scalps and moisturizing the hair.Prevents Hair Loss
Keeps the hair & hair follicles happy and healthy preventing any excessive hair loss which is most often due to unhealthy hair root and growing environments.Skin Cleansing
Full of vitamin E oil, it reduces inflammation and therefore keeping the amount of clogged pores and blackheads to a minimum.Antibacterial
It's an anti-fungal which means it's a great natural remedy for any acne that stems from bacterial issues. My advice is to give it a try but don't expect a dramatic difference, there a ton of more qualified products for hair and beard health.from Beard Oil Balm - Feed http://ift.tt/2l1t7oL
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