Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Beard Competition

Wait little me reiterate that and give this it's due justice. It's not just a beard competition, it's the...

National Beard and Moustache Championships®

That's a better. Now, do you think you're ready to put your beard up against the best in the world because these guys don't mess around. When you get sponsored just because you have an epic beard then you're on a whole other level. For more information follow the link after the spinet below about last years competition.  

The Just For Men® National Beard and Moustache Championships®

http://ift.tt/2mj8OUfThe 2016 National Beard and Moustache Championships took place on Labor Day Weekend in Music City, Nashville, Tennessee.  Beardsmen from around the country competed for the prestigious national titles at the historic Ryman Auditorium, famous as the home of the Grand Ole Opry from 1943 to 1974. nationalbeardchampionships.com


from Beard Oil Balm - Feed http://ift.tt/2mj3yjo

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Beard Baubles

This is a new one for me, I'm usually not sitting there cross eyed for ten minutes trying to figure out "what the f". Well not since glitter beards but this one is a little different because of how popular they are. In essence we are talking about turning your man sized beard into a miniature Christmas tree. I'll admit since the Christmas is my favorite time of year this sparked my interest but I can't see a reasonable opportunity to rock this. Unless you were knew you were going to get fired so you showed up to your holiday part obliterated and covered in these things just to be obnoxious. Now that I can get on board with. [caption id="attachment_54607" align="aligncenter" width="960"]Guy with beard baubles Image via hiconsumption.com[/caption]

Where To Buy Beard Baubles

There are several options, everything from amazon to niche websites just for these. I suggest you do some research on the material they are made with because you're probably going to be drunk enough to fall on your face or get punched in it to wear these. Make sure that it's a shatter proof plastic, you don't want to end up on that show "craziest ways to die" from a beard bauble laceration.


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How To Glitter Beard

[caption id="attachment_54594" align="alignright" width="300"]Glitter beard kit Image via hairstyleonpoint.com[/caption] If you're anything like me then you're just hearing about this new trend. I'm not one to troll around Instagram all looking for the latest and greatest things so I'm a little behind on this, It wasn't until a lady friend of mine ask me if I've heard about "glitter beards". I'm always looking for a way to give people the content they are looking for and if I played for the other team (demographic mostly associated with this trend) then I'd glitter the hell out of my beard too so here's a little guide on how to do it as well as some history behind how it came about.

Glittering Your Beard In 3 Simple Steps

Step 1 - Clean Your Beard

This thing is going to get funky after a while of wearing it and you're going to feel like you're wearing a pile of dirt rather than glitter unless you throughly clean it first.

Step 2 - Apply Beard Oil

If you've never done this before then just follow the advice I give on my best beard oil 2017 review page. The only difference is that you're going to dowse your beard and make sure that every place you want glitter is damp.

Step 3 - Apply Glitter

There are two ways you're going to need to apply this, first start by tilting your head back and sprinkling it with glitter, this will give you a good base. Then depending on how thick you want the coverage you'll need to lightly pat handful's of glitter into your beard and mustache. [caption id="attachment_54596" align="aligncenter" width="300"]the beard glittering trend Image via sadanduseless.com[/caption] It's really that simple, I would love to tell you that there is an art to it but you don't have to be a rocket scientist to glitter something, just crazy enough to do it!

Why Would You Ever Want To Do This?

If you're not "playing for the other team" then you're probably wondering why you would ever want to do this right? Well let me give you a real life example of how you could use this. After a long night of wandering the streets with friends I come home to the typically accusation "You went to the strip club!" due to a piece of glitter on my shirt. If you've ever been to old town Scottsdale then you've seen the bottle service comes with giant poppers that cover you in glitter so rather than fight the good fight I just let it go. The following time I went out with friends I planned a heard and stocked up at Michael's that morning. Before returning home in a state of liquid courage I stopped by one of the guy's houses and put on a full glitter beard. As you can guess my statement "Look honey, I went to the Stripclub and they really like me there" went over well, what a fun relationship that was. The last thing I'll say is make sure you use glitter, don't use random types of cereal in your beard. Good day! [caption id="attachment_54599" align="aligncenter" width="221"]zach galifianakis beard Image via menshairforum.com[/caption]


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Short Beard Styles

Looking for the most up to date list of the best beard styles in 2017 then you've come to the right place and if you're here by mistake then you are also welcome because you probably need to fix that dysfunctional thing you call a beard.

[wpsm_comparison_table id="4" class="center-table-align"]


from Beard Oil Balm - Feed http://ift.tt/2mbVcKz

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

What is Aftershave


Aftershave is product applied to the skin after a shave (typically liquid based). The active ingredient is a antiseptic which helps in the prevention of an infection from cuts suffered due to shaving. They typically contain a type of astringent which has the ability to shrink pores and reduce excess oil. Alright now that we've gotten done with that dry nonsense let's get into the nitty gritty of it and why it's actually important.

What It Really Does?

If you're anything like I was then your first thought of aftershave was something your dad used that smelled way too strong (probably Polo) and didn't initially make it into your shaving routine. It wasn't until I got more and more into beards that I really took another look at after shave balm to see if It could make it's way into my starting line up (daily routine). I found out that it had two main benefits that I was looking for that I briefly spoke about above. First, the astringent, I don't break out very often but when I do it's one of those deadly neck ingrown hairs. The kind that look like it's about to blink at your and it basically eats the entire hair and takes you a month to find. The beauty of  a good astringent is that it helps with this by shrinking the pore itself and cleaning out excess oils. Since I've been regular on my after shaving routine I haven't had one of these. Second, although I have never had an infection from shaving I have had a friend who got one and I'm not going to play with that mess. He ended up getting an abscess and if you know anything about them then I've said enough. Usually I like my products to be fairly natural and not alcohol based but when I'm trying to kill possible bacteria I say screw it, I would pour whiskey on face if it worked better.


Natural AftershaveNatural Aftershave With Tea Tree Oil

I reached out to my favorite beard oil company to see what alternative they had because my face was getting too dry because of the alcohol in the after shave and this is what I got! They sent me a bottle of their tea tree beard oil and advised me to use it just like an aftershave. If you know anything about tee tree oil it's by far the most effective astringent that's not alcohol based. I just wanted to throw this little nugget in just in case someone is looking for an effective natural alternative, I'll continue explaining aftershave now.

Simple Step Process On How To Use Aftershave

Step 1 - Preparation  Immediately after shaving rinse your face with cold water, this will do two important things. First, it will wash away any loose hair and excess shaving cream which can cause irritation. Secondly,  it will close your pores limiting the exposure time your open pores have to dirt and bacteria. Make sure you wash your face to the point where you can no longer feel any leftover shaving product. Make sure you use a clean towel and completely dry your face. Step 2 - Application  Measure out a thumbnail sized drop for your face, add an additional thumbnail sized drop of you shaved your neck as well. Start by patting your face neck applying it evenly until it's spread evenly. Massage in from the cheeks down to ensure that you're face get's the attention first. If you're skin is overly dry you will need to add an additional few drops of your brand of aftershave and repeat the process again.


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Beard Balm Recipe

I'm assuming that you're looking into a DIY beard balm because it's a great gift for your boyfriend or if you're a man reading this then you're trying to trick your girlfriend into making it for you, either way well played. Since beard balms are fairly cheap, you're looking at about $20-30 for a solid product for me it makes sense to just buy them but I do like the idea of having a manly 5 gallon bucket next to your sink full of beard balm to show off to your friends so I tried it myself. I will say, you can make a pretty nice product on your own although no matter what I did I couldn't get the amazing smell like I do from the products I buy. I'm not alone on this, every forum I read on DIY balms said that is the biggest challenge you'll run into and since one of best things about wearing a beard product is the compliments you get on how good your beard smells I just stick to my favorite brand. If you can get the formula right & smell perfected, here's mine. Everything but the smell is on point (it's good but not compliments daily good):

How To Make Beard Balm

Your measurements are going to change based upon the amount you want to create, obviously. So at the bottom I'll include a MAN-SIZE recipe just in case you're as crazy as me. I'll also include you're grocery shopping list below so you can get exactly what you need.

1.  "Melt" The Ingredients

Using a medium sized pot, bring 8oz of water to a boil. Place a large metal mixing bowl in the pot (the bottom cannot touch to boiling water). Mix in the 6 tbsp beeswax, 4 tbsp cocoa butter, 6 tbsp jojoba oil, 6 tbsp shea butter and 2 tbsp castor oil.

2. Stir Ingredients

Slowly stir the ingredients with a high heat silicone baking spatula for 4-8 minutes or until the mixture is fully melted and mixed.

3. Remove From Heat & Add Essential Oils

After melted removed from the heat and begin to add essential oils, start with a minimum of 5 drops or until you've reached the intensity of smell you desire.

4. Pour Into Containers

Now pour it into your desired containers, for best results use shallow containers that allow the balm to be no taller than 1 centimeter in height.  Leave on the counter to cool for two hours and do not cover them or put the lids on until after the two hours is up.  

Balm Ingredients

  • 6 tbsp Beeswax
  • 4 tbsp Cocoa Butter
  • 6 tbsp Jojoba oil
  • 6 tbsp Shea Butter
  • 2 tbsp Castor Oil
  • Favorite Essential Oils

Tools & Tins

  • 10 Small Tins
  • 1 Medium Pot
  • 1 Large Metal Bowl
  • 1 Silicone Baking Spatula

Man Size Recipe

I honestly just took this simple recipe and 10x it, normally this doesn't turn out so well when you're baking something but for this it's perfect. And yes, I bake... Kickass cookies.

What Role Do The Ingredients Play?

Beeswax - The beeswax is what really makes a balm, without it you're going to have some weak gooey substance and won't get the hold you're looking for. Shea & Coca Butter - The shea butter is really for the anti inflammatory properties which can help with any irritation or skin imbalances you have on your face. The cocoa butter on the other hand is full of vitamins and is a natural antioxidant. Carrier Oil - For this we used jojoba because it's so popular now and I thought if I threw up a recipe without it the average person would be like "screw this" but in opinion argan oil is just as good so don't believe all the commercial hype. This is what really gives your balm a nice texture and makes up the bulk of the product typically. Essential Oil - This is the smelly stuff, don't corner it to just that though. There a ton of benefits of specific essential oils that you can use to help with a number of things, everything from skin rashes to oily buildups. Think about adding biotin in your beard oil. If you're still lost at this point then I don't know what to tell you, call me over and for the price of a giant steak we will make some together.


from Beard Oil Balm - Feed http://ift.tt/2lTKS83

Beard Wax VS Beard Balm

Let me first start by making the critical distinction that will make you easily understand which is the right one for you then I'll go into detail about each and the pro's/con's. Simply put, beard wax should only be used if you are trying to pull off a look that demands an incredible hold, I'm talking the level of a beard competition (I'll post a picture below of a crazy beard competition where they use beard wax).  Beard balm gives you the ability to create a more textured look with your beard without the drawbacks of a gunky wax. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying waxes are bad but I don't think they have a place in everyday beard care. Unless you're trying to enter a competition and you need to work on your beard art daily or you've joined some goth beard club at school. I think your best bet is always to stick to a balm, it's going to cause less damage to your hair and give you a smoother overall look. If you're here by mistake and you're actually looking for beard oil then check out my post on the best beard oils.

Beard Wax

To give you a specific relation if you've never used a wax before (I don't know when you would unless you went through that dreadlocks phase during the grunge years) it's creates the hold of a extra strong hair spray. Although there is a better consistency than dumping a half gallon of hair spray on your face, there is a gunkyness that comes along with any wax. It's available in different scents like most beard products but it's got less of a punch to it as compared to beard oils. The carrier oil/agent in these products will vary for the most part but you'll find a lot of them are made with beeswax. I've heard a lot of people talk about how great it is for protection against the rain and harsh weather but at one point during a blizzard do you give a crap about what your beard looks like...

Beard Balm

Ahh beard balm the beautiful crossbreeding of beard wax & oil, it's basically the donkey of the beard kingdom. I say that in a very positive way (I probably should of said unicorn instead but..). This is my favorite type of product when my beard gets to a certain point, when it reaches the length that it starts to get a mind of it's own then this is great for getting it to shape exactly how you want. They usually go light with the beeswax which is also typically found in a balm and still retain most of the effects. Now you wont be able to walk on stage at a beard competition with just using a beard balm but you can get the serious hold without the gunky mess.

How To Apply Beard Wax or Balm

Now here's the trick of it all, don't you dare try to just slap this on the outside of your beard and try to finger it through, you're not going to get the full effects. You're going to need a great beard comb or brush, if you have no idea what I'm talking about then visit my post to understand what the best beard brush is for you.

Here's a quick rundown on how I apply it:

Step 1 - Get a thumbnail size amount in your palm.

Step 2 - Massage into the outside of your beard.

Step 3 - Dip your comb or brush into your balm thereby coating the tips.

Step 4 - Bush your beard out.

Do I really Ever Need A Wax?

I think they are great for really making a statement or Halloween parties but unless you have an incredible beard that people would pay money to see then probably not. On the other hand it gives you something to shoot for, I mean who doesn't want to look like the guy from 300 (He uses a beard wax to get that look). 300 Movie Beard


from Beard Oil Balm - Feed http://ift.tt/2m3QoH9

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

How To Grow Facial Hair Faster

Now this can be a problem for a man at any age, I don't care if you're 18 or a 28 year old man you could still be in the process of trying to squeeze out your first full beard. Discarding the actually physiological imbalance for a second (I'll get into those later), let's start with start with the most obvious reasons why your mom has more facial hair than you and work our way into the more dark arts of beard growing.

Keep It Clean

I know this seems fairly obvious but you would be surprised at how many people just disregard this as a real hindrance in their beard growing journey. I think it's because they focus on the wrong issue, they are probably referring to their skin getting to dry and that causing an issue but actually the bigger problem comes in when you skin gets too oily. As the oil builds up it begins to start clogging your pores and thus interfering with the hair follicle itself. I'll use this analogy even though I've ran through it a few times in my heard and there is no way to make this not sound crazy. Imagine if  your parents dumped you in a box and through a bunch of mud on you, how easy would it be for you to grow... Good look forgetting that weird mental picture.

Check Your Testosterone

It's never too early to get your hormone levels checked, you would be surprised at how many people have hormonal imbalances that can inhibit hair growth among other things. Whether you grew up with a crazy home environment (like the kid in the box above) or you were like me and you experimented with all sorts of over the counter pro hormones that the guy at the supplement shop said are "safe" then you've probably done more damage then you realize. As a man if you at any point mess with your testosterone level then you can pretty much guarantee that it's going to be permanently out of wack for the rest of your life. It's not the end of the world though, just schedule an appointment with your doctor and have them do a full hormone panel, if the test comes back with Low T or elevated estrogen levels then a form of TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) could be an option.

Hair Growth Serum

I know what you're thinking, this serum stuff sounds like an amazing new thing that you have to buy, in reality I just couldn't think of another word to use. It's actually just Rogaine foam that you use on your beard. There isn't a ton of research backing it and it's not FDA approved so it's one of those lovely little gray area's in life where you get to turn your body into the experiment. Do you research first, you can check out the post I did on it by clicking rogaine foam above because there are some periods that will scare you, like the shedding period. Don't worry, it will get worse before it gets better than life will be good again. If you have these three areas in check then you shouldn't have any issues growing a huge beard faster than you were before.


from Beard Oil Balm - Feed http://ift.tt/2kZND5D

Monday, February 20, 2017



A creep for beards, typically found in the wild in the form of a woman from the ages of 20-45 years old. See additional information on Beards.  


from Beard Oil Balm - Feed http://ift.tt/2lzrBdF

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Coconut Oil For Beard Growth

So let me get this straight someone whispered to you that this was in fact another way to get that full facial hair look you've always wanted. While I still to this day think that these weird wise tales are funny they do have some truth to them but not exactly what you had in mind. It actually has the same benefits you get from putting in the hair on the top of your head (which I'll explain later) but just in case you're coming here to learn how to apply it, let's go over that first.

How To Apply Coconut Oil To Your Beard

Now I know what you're thinking is coconut oil really for your beard? Actually it's really good for it but you're going to have to take some precautions otherwise it will look like you're moonlighting as an adult film star. I'm not going to give you a 5 step system on how to apply coconut oil to your face, I've made too many of those ridiculous posts on this site and let's hope by this point in lift that you've mastered the art of taking something out of a jar and applying it to an area of your body without dying. So what I'm going to do is give you a few key points that you need to know.

#1 Use Refined Coconut Oil

I know what you're thinking "But unrefined is better because blah blah blah" and yes your blah's are correct but unless you're going to lay on your stomach like a chubby six year old kid and eat half a jar while you're putting it on your beard, don't worry about it. Trust me, I tried to use unrefined but not matter how warm I got it pasty white flakes in my beard that looked like There's Something About Mary but worse because I'm a man..

#2 Don't Use Too Much

If your first instinct was like mine and you want instant results then you're going to have to fight the urge to throw a gallon on your face. As much as you and I hoped it did, it doesn't work that way. It will actually cause more problems because you will end up clogging your pores and inhibit beard growth. The best thing you can do is use a small amount and stay consistent with it, put your oil in place where you can't forget to use it. If you wife get's mad that it looks tacky to have it sitting on the bathroom counter then find a 'pretty' little container to store it in or just buy her a car. Sorry I just have to point out the ignorance of the world real quick. As I was paroozing the internet to find cold hard facts on why coconut oil is so good for your hair and the indirect result it has on hair growth (it helps keep your hair healthy, it does NOT grow your hair) I found this lovely quote from the first search engine result - "Coconut oil stimulates hair growth getting deep into its follicles" - lucybee.co Call me crazy but that isn't even a complete sentence. I think there is supposed to be a "and some crap happens to make it grow" but since there is no evidence to support that they just ended the sentence right there. Alright that is enough of my tangent, here is the truth.

How Coconut Oil Helps Beard Hair

I'm only going to list one because to me it's the real powerhouse of why it's so good for facial hair. Simply put, it's a great anti bacterial and anti fungal. If you have done any research on the good ole dermis then you know that the biggest determent to hair growth is unhealthy skin and this is a great way to remedy that. When it comes to making your beard smooth and silky or hydrating your skin I say there are several better way's to make that happen. Check out the Beard Oil Balm Homepage for more info on that.


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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Beard Shaping Trim Template & Guide

To be honest I wanted to give you not only a guide of how to use a bread trimming template but also a DIY way to cut out your own. Why? Because I wanted the same thing, I thought why buy one of these cheap plastic shaping tools when I can make one out of a block of wood, all I need is a faint excuse to fire up the saw and I'm doing it. Turns out now matter how good of craftsman you are the cheap plastic route is just that much better. So much to my dismay since I would love to see a world of men with a slab of oak against their face while they are training, here is a guide to using a shaping template.

Beard Trimming Guide Tool How To's

1. Comb Out Your Beard

[caption id="attachment_54437" align="alignright" width="300"]combing facial hair Image via beardicure.com[/caption] I like to wet the comb a little to get the hair to cooperate a little more and tame some of those stragglers first. Don't get your beard too wet or you'll run into issues with the clippers getting gunked up. Pick your favorite comb/brush here, I tend to use all of them at once just to prove a point.

2. Decide Your Depth

[caption id="attachment_54439" align="alignleft" width="150"]ear diagram Image via Pinterest.com[/caption] I tend to go a little lower than most but everyone is different on this due to the shape of your face. You will see notches in the side of the tool (if it's a good one) that will help you line up both sides evenly every time. I have an oddly large tragus so I use that to line up the dots with and as a side note who knew that weird thing that women sometimes pierce is called a tragus... Make sure you pick a spot on your ear and use it consistently because if you pick a difference spot every time, one morning or a time when you decide to drunk trim, you're going to end up looking like you had a stroke victim with one droopy side.  

3. Line Up The Tool & Press To Your Face (Trimmer or Blade)side shot of lining up the tool

Don't be afraid to get aggressive with it, now we're not forcing marshmallows into keyholes here but you want to get it firm enough against your face so that you don't cut underneath it. Basically the opposite of the picture that I'm providing you on the right. Now depending on the length of hair on your cheeks your can do one of three things. First, use a trimmer only to give the five o clock shadow look. Second, if you have shorter hair then you can go strait for the razor and get a close shave on those rosy cheeks. Finally, if you want the close shave but have a build up of cheek hair then to a little weed wacking (trimming) first then shave it down.

4. Flip The Tool Upside Down For Neckline

[caption id="attachment_54441" align="alignleft" width="186"]trimming neckline Image via Youtube.com[/caption] This is my favorite part because as you can see when you do this correctly you look like a degenerate gambler or strait pirate until you cut the little point off the bottom of your neckline. All you do is flip the tool upside down and trim your neck on both sides by flipping it horizontally. Then trim the remaining piece off your neck unless your want to look like you just spent your kids Christmas gift money at the Golden Nugget.  

5. Clean Up Your Side Burns

It's best to do this step after you've finished your neckline so you can line it up perfectly. Simply flip the tool back to Step 3 position and trim the backside, the part between your beard and your ear, following it all the way down and lining up with our neckline. If you've done all this correctly and you didn't start drinking at 3am then you should have a killer looking beard. If you for any reason cut yourself it's not my fault, you have fat hands and you need to go on a diet chumbo.

My Favorite Tool

If you know me, then that's already weird because you found this off the search engines, you know my favorite brand is Zeus. They make killer oils and balms and they just added this tool that has a straight edge to it too so you can make some crazy shapes with your beard. Click the link or picture to check it out

Zeus Edge Up Beard Shaping Template Tool

zeus facial hair guide


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Friday, February 10, 2017

Best Bottles For Beard Oil DIY

Whether you're girlfriend who has a great idea to make your man a DIY beard oil or you're someone who want's to scale up their beard product to a manufacturing level and you need the highest quality bottle with the lowest cost and MOQ (minimum order quantity) then this will guide you in the process.

DIY Reusable Bottles/Containers

My top three around the house items are:

1. Contact Lens Bottles

These are easily the best DIY bottles because they are the exact size you need and use the same application principles. Since a few drops will do the trick with beard oil this will make sure they last as long as they should.

2. TSA Travel Bottles

If you've traveled since 2001 then you have these somewhere around your house otherwise you're a gross person to vacation with. These are a good short term option but because they are plastic you run the risk of getting parabens in your oil if they ever get heated.

3. Nail Bottles

Nail polish bottles are good because they are a high quality of glass that will protect your solution better than the TSA bottles but they have a useless nail brush that just feels weird to paint your beard with.

Small Scale Production

If you're starting out in the market place or you just want to make a great party gift for all of your bachelor party buddies then you're going to want to splurge for a dozen 1oz amber glass bottles. This is by far the best way to package your oils because the amber tinted glass protects from damaging the essential oil combination you've concocted far better than any other option. There are also uv black glass bottles available that offer an even higher level of protection if you are really worried about it.

1oz Black Glass UV Resistant Dropper Bottles

[caption id="attachment_54416" align="aligncenter" width="300"]black uv 1oz bottle Image via Amazon.com[/caption]

1oz Amber Glass Bottles

[caption id="attachment_54417" align="aligncenter" width="300"]amber glass bottles 1oz Image via Amazon.com[/caption]

Manufacturing or Sourcing

Now if your looking for a manufacturing solution then you're at the point where you're ready to scale your business to another level while simultaneously increasing profits because anyone who has ever manufactured anything overseas will tell you the profit margin is on a whole other level. I'm going to give you the exact step by step process on how to source those lovely little glass bottles from China and protect your ass in the process.

Step 1. Find a Manufacturer on Alibaba.com

You're probably saying to yourself "I've heard horror stories about that place" and there are some pretty bad ones out there but If you do what I say then you'll be safe. Side note, if you have a relationship with someone in China by all means use them for your sourcing process but I wanted to give an outline fore anyone to take the steps needed to get this done. Search for a manufacturer in China that specializes in glass by simply searching for "1oz glass bottles"

Step 2. Submit a Sample Request

You're most likely going to have to front the shipping cost to get a sample to you but trust me it's worth it to get an real life version of their craftsmanship. If the quality is up to your standards then go onto the next step, if not rinse and repeat with another factory.

Step 3. Submit a Buyers Request

There are a couple of specific things you're going to want to include so make sure you pay attention. 1. MOQ This is the "minimum order quantity" that a factory will accept, it can very anywhere from a 100 all the way up to 100k so make sure you're working with a factory that will fit the current size of your business. 2. Express Shipping If you want to take the time to get a customs agent and ship it by...ship to save a few bucks then go for it but it's a light enough weight product that using express shipping is fairly cost effective and companies like DSL will act as the customs agent on your behalf. You're going to want to include these two questions into your buyers request. "What's your MOQ" & "Please include express shipping in the quote". From that point you'll be able to pull the trigger and get your beard oil business off the ground.

Beard Oil Balm

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Jamaican Black Castor Oil for Hair Growth

Let's get one strait while there are a ton of benefits to Jamaican Black Castor oil, hair growth isn't one of them. There are a TON of benefits of which I'll list below as well as the best protocol to use but I'm amazed by how many people think that products like this alone will make you grow more hair. Don't get me wrong, if you have a chemical imbalance, dry/unhealthy skin or clogged pores then yes you will absolutely see a dramatic difference in the quality and fullness of your hair but that has more to do with an imbalance in your body than the castor oil working magic. Visit our homepage for more facial hair remedies.

Jamaican Black vs Regular

Other than the obvious one color, there are a few major differences that matter. The lighter versions of the oil are said to be "purer" do to the fact that it's cold pressed. JB on the other hand isn't cold pressed, it's actually roasted castor seeds that are ground then boiled. So the real question is who do you trust? Because it's obvious that the pure oil has gone through a better process of extraction but the Jamaican process has such a cult following that people swear by. I'll be honest, in my opinion always go with the better processed product no matter how good the trendy one sounds.

Jamaican black vs regularWhat Are The Benefits

Treats Dry Hair

Due to the high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids it makes a option for treating dry scalps and moisturizing the hair.

Prevents Hair Loss

Keeps the hair & hair follicles happy and healthy preventing any excessive hair loss which is most often due to unhealthy hair root and growing environments.

Skin Cleansing

Full of vitamin E oil, it reduces inflammation and therefore keeping the amount of clogged pores and blackheads to a minimum.


It's an anti-fungal which means it's a great natural remedy for any acne that stems from bacterial issues. My advice is to give it a try but don't expect a dramatic difference, there a ton of more qualified products for hair and beard health.


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Castor Oil For Beard Hair Growth

First and foremost you're going to need to clear your schedule for the rest of the day, not because applying castor oil won't grow your beard but you're going to want to take time out of your day to go slap whoever told you this awful myth. The truth is that there is only one type of product that helps grow facial hair and if you haven't heard of it (I'm sure you have) go visit my Rogaine review to see the exact protocol to follow. I'm guessing though that you're sitting there with a bottle of it in your hand going... really? Well I'm glad you took the time to search because there are definitely better alternatives out there. That's the reason I only recommend a certain beard oil to people is because most others are filled with crap and make astronomical claims or they are simply something like castrol oil in a bottle (which is worthless). The one thing I can tell you is that you're going to want to keep your face and beard as healthy as possible. It's not easy to do this when you're a man, not because we all have manly jobs like being a wrench or kicking ass but because we are hard headed and don't want to fall under the category of men who Manscape. Believe me I shy away from this term as much as possible but if you want a killer beard you're going to have to do some cleansing and conditioning. The biggest piece of advice is spring for some quality products, I've done some reviews of these bigger box stores and you would be surprised at how low quality of products they carry. I mean I would trust this stuff on my dogs rough hair. To give you an example go visit my post on the beard products at Walmart.  


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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Minoxidil Beard Before and After

If you're anything like me then you are bound to the expectation of instant gratification. You don't want a good beard, you want a ridiculous one that grows overnight or whenever you feel like having it but as they say good things come to those who wait. The the biggest problem men run into is that they can never grow a "full" beard, either it's patchy with dense growth in some spots and barely any in others or it's thin throughout. My post on Minoxidil for beard growth goes into detail on how to fix that and the proper protocol needed but if you're not ready to take that step yet then let me help you with some facts you'll need to know when growing a beard. [caption id="attachment_54393" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Patchy Beard Before & After Results Image via yuku.com[/caption]

Keep It Healthy

I think this is a mistake that a lot of men make, myself included in the beginning. We think that a beard is supposed to feel like barbwire so therefor if we treat it like crap and throw some dirt on it from time to time then it will grow like a weed. The truth is that your facial hair will level look like the stuff on Fabio's head so don't worry about that but you do have to treat it right. Whether that means finding a beard oil and balm with the right essential oils for your skin type or simply by keeping it clean and conditioned. See my posts of eucalyptus and biotin for beard health.

Trim Your Hair

Now before you freak out and say "why the hell would I trim it if I'm trying to grow it", I'm saying trim in the sense of keeping all the split ends under control. Whether you want to admit it or not your bead hair does get split ends and as emasculating as that sounds it's true so you have to keep it under control. A biweekly very mild trim will take care of this and keep your beard growing on track.

Don't Mess With It

There are going to be times when you want to just say the hell with it and shave it all the way off but trust me it will get better. Those awkward stages of grow will pass, you know the point where you look worse than the homeless guy that begs under the underpass. On average you will only have a 3 week window of awkward looks and grimaces from old ladies until your beard starts looking like something you can be proud of. Stay the course my friends, it's well worth it.


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Hollywoodian Beard Style

First and foremost you need to know "what the hell are hollywoodian style beards", a simple answer is that it's one of the most clean cut beard styles you can have. It's a full facial beard with disconnected sideburns and a cleaned neckline. The trick of this style is that you have to be precise and understand the shape of your face, one wrong move could make the hard work you put into trimming your beard a complete accident or the fact that your buddies pulled a practical joke on you when you were sleeping. [caption id="attachment_54382" align="alignleft" width="150"]Leo with Stylish Beard Image via yuku.com[/caption] For instance take a look at Leo, even with unmaintained beard the fact that it's disconnected gives him the appearance that it's purposeful. The main reason why if you go to a large corporate office you will most likely see this style of beard.

How Do You Trim It?

1. Shave the sideburns from exactly halfway down the ear to the top of the jawline (either razor or trimmer depending on closeness desired).

2. Clean cheek line with a razor while outlining the beard shape.

3. Clean the neckline with razor or trimmer.

It's a very simple process and the key is to make sure you don't shave your sideburns too high or your beard too low.  


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Monday, February 6, 2017

Beard Oil Shoppers Drug Mart

Well Canada you've done it, I thought American drug stores had a horribly inadequate selection of beard grooming products but Shoppers Drug Mart has reached a new low. At least the U.S. stores like CVS & Walmart made an attempt by putting a low quality products on their shelves that wouldn't work if you mixed them all together and painted them on your face like icing. There isn't even a any available on the website, look. Canadian beard oil products at shoppers mart I searched for "beard oil" and had to scroll to the bottom of the page to find anything I could even use on my face and I found these lovely little products (being sarcastic, never use these).

Why Is It So Hard To Find Quality Beard Products

To be honest I don't know, I would understand if this trend was fairly new and they were in the process of catching up but the beard market has been booming for a while now and major stores haven't made an attempt. It's not that hard to make a quality product in this niche that will help people so let's just call them lazy.

Where Are The Best Products

Online, that's why I started this site/blog, there are a ton of quality companies out there that make a product that really works. With that being said trust me, I've been at this game a long time and have weeded through the garbage products to find ones that really do make a difference and that aren't loaded with unnecessary fluff. I only stand behind products that have the best ingredients. Here's a little under the hood knowledge, I make money off affiliate sells from this site and there are a ton of companies that would gladly pay me a lot more to refer them people but there products are just worthless so I won't do it. In conclusion, you get what you pay for so either listen to me or go do your own research and find an online company that knows how to make beard oil's or balm's and get it shipped to you, it's definitely worth the wait.


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Saturday, February 4, 2017

How To Grow a Beard If You Can’t – Is It Really Possible?

I had to post an article on this because I just got done done reading an article on visihow that was complete crap and provided no help to anyone. It basically stated that it's probably because you're eating a soy based diet and now you're estrogen is too high... I can't wait to knife fight the writer of that horrible article (we bloggers do that from time to time). You want to know how to grow a beard if you can't, the answer is increase Testosterone & take Minoxidil.  Now I'm not saying you should go to your local drug dealer and see if they've got a fresh batch of steroids in, what I'm saying is that most men suffer from low T and don't know it. One of the biggest notable effects of that is very little body hair growth (facial hair falls into this category). If you don't have the money to go to the doctor, get your blood work done and actually see where your levels are then do the responsible thing and get a natural testosterone booster. These things are filled with extracts that have been proven to increase testosterone thus increasing your body hair to beast mode. As for the minoxidil, that's just the clinical name for Rogaine. Guys have been using it for years on there head and then somewhere along the way one of them got a bright idea to use it on their face and what the hell do you know it worked! This is something I firmly believe in because it's worked not only on my face but my head too. Nothing worse that having a thinning head of hair and a thick beard in my opinion.


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Biotin For Beard Growth Results & Dosage

I haven't decided if I want to call bullshit right away or drag you through this long drawn out post where I end up saying...Bullshit! Oops, there it went. Let's get some things straight, the Internet is full of people eager to sell you anything you are willing to buy and don't get me wrong I obviously want to sell you something but I'm not going to sell you crap. I'm going to educate you on things that work and do my favorite thing, calling out everyone else who just try's to sell you some affiliate crap product.

Biotin Results

There is a thing layer of truth for these marketing scammers to stand on but it's real thin. Biotin has been marketed for years to women because it has been linked to strengthening keratin levels in your body. Keratin by the way is a protein that is the building block for all skin, hair and nails. So the next question is, does it even work at all? The answer is yes it does BUT only if you have a deficiency. Remember people a supplement is just that, it "supplements" in an area you have a deficiency. If your biotin levels are in check then you're not going to notice any change but don't tell that to your girlfriend because she probably swears by it.
Biotin Dosage
This is how much of a crock this supplement is, take a guess what the recommended dosage is, go ahead I'll wait... You guessed it, there isn't one. Now common sense would tell you that if it was that important then it would have a recommended dosage attached to it so it obviously ranks nice and low on the list. You will find a lot of people say that 2.5mg is the best dosage to take for optimal effects but this is really just them shooting in the dark, there is no scientific evidence to support that, it's a case of broad (opposite of bro) science. Moral of the story, go out there and spend/waste all your money on products that aren't going to work or buy something that has actual social & clinical proof like a rogaine product.  

Beard Oil Balm

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Eucalyptus Oil For Beard Growth Review – The Truth!

If you've made it this far then you're probably asking yourself, can I really use eucalyptus oil for beard growth? The short answer is ehhh, No. You're going to find conflicting reports from individuals who say that it has worked wonders for them and others who claim their beard actually looks worse. The best thing you can do is what I did, educate yourself.

What Does Eucalyptus Oil Do?

It has two major benefits to it, the first being that it acts as an anti-fungal and if you know anything about skin and how it works these are great for not only treating any current infections of the skin but also preventing them. The second being that it has anti-inflammatory properties which help relieve skin irritations and flareups that can inhibit hair growth.

How Much Does It Actually Help Hair Growth?

Very minimally, you won't hear a "Truthful" dramatic story about how a guy was a loser with three chin hairs and started using eucalyptus oil and everything changed. For dramatic results you're going to want to use a product like Minoxidil, it's the only thing that will have that much of an impact and take you from average beard status to lumberjack. Don't get me wrong this is a great thing to have in your beard oil or balm but don't think your facial clout will change because of it. It will be a supplement to help overall skin health and keep a good environment for growing. In conclusion, don't buy the hype because it's just that. It's a great ingredient and that's all it is.  


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Friday, February 3, 2017

Minoxidil Beard Growth Before & After

Let's face it, men have been using this product for years but most of them probably didn't have a clue what the active ingredient actually was "minoxidil" they just threw some Rogaine on their faces and crossed their fingers. What they found out was that it works, specifically it's a vasodilator which like Viagra it was originally intended for reducing dangerously high blood pressure until they realized a pretty magical side effect... Hair Growth!

How Can This Help Me Grow a Beard?

Well let's get this simple fact straight, minoxidil doesn't magically grow hair nor does it make hair grow in places where there is no chance for it to grow. What it does is stimulates the actual hair follicle and either revive or as I like to say wake their ass up. Anyone who has ever artificially increased their testosterone will attest to this, you don't know how much hair you really have until you "wake it up". What it really means for beard hair is that given a consistent treatment plan and good conditions (healthy hair follicles) you're good to grow!

Why Are You Just Hearing About Minoxidil?

Plug in your favorite government conspiracy theory or the fact that they haven't figured out a way to make money off it but they disguise it as protecting us. It's not approved (FDA approved) in the USA as a topical facial cream for hair growth which they state is because there are no clinical trials that test the effectiveness and possible side effects using it this way. Which makes you wonder... why the hell not! Call me reckless but I've done it.

What About The Beard Products That Promote Growth?

They are full of sh*t, these products hide behind the fact that they promote healthier skin which in turn promotes hair growth, none of the actual ingredients are directly linked to growing more hair. Don't get me wrong, I believe that if you treat your skin good and keep it healthy you will have a healthier beard but I don't like to see claims that they work anywhere near as good as a minoxidil based product does.

What Are The Side Effects?

1. Bloating

2. Increased Heart Rate

3. Insomnia

4. Headaches

5. Dry Skin

6. Hair Loss

7. Hair Growth

I know what you're thinking, why the hell is hair loss & growth both side effects, in some rare cases people take up to two months to reap the benefits and their hair goes through a minor "shedding" phase. On average people begin to see results in as little as two weeks. Yes! It most certainly does work. There are downsides to using this drug on your face; let's face it, it is a drug and we're not here to coddle anyone about it and its side effects. Some men have reported these side effects after using it topically on their face. Nobody has experienced all of them, rather this is a compilation of what you might be able to expect. Let's get another thing straight that scared the hell out of me, the shedding process is very rare and it's a temporary process which is like re-sodding the lawn. I personally didn't see any side effects and I have sensitive skin, one time I scrubbed my body with my girlfriends sugar scrub and was covered in hives for two hours.

How To Apply Liquid Minoxidil

1. Wash your man face (Unscented soap is best)

2. Pull 1ml of solution into the dropper

3. Apply single drops to beard and areas you want to increase facial hair

4. Gently massage in the oil

5. Eat a sandwich

*You can repeat this process up to two times per day

How To Apply Foam Minoxidil

1. Wash your greasy man face (Unscented soap is preferred)

2. Make sure your hands are dry

3. Apply 1ml of foam on our hand (See directions for amounts)

4. Gently massage into beard and area you intend to grow facial hair

5. Eat a sandwich

*You can repeat this process up to two times per day This is not a difficult process so don't screw it up, really I don't know how you would and if your're worried about not getting the proper amount then start with a smaller dose. If you have any dryness because this is the only side effect that comes up with consistency from what I've seen, then find a lotion designed for your face. There are a ton of lady ones out there so just pick one of those up and don't be a creep and but Vaseline on your face. I'm not a patient man so waiting two weeks for a beard to grow in thicker sounded like a kick to the D but my thought was "why not?". If in two weeks my beard was better great, if not then I didn't lose anything. I saw results in less that a week but that's not everyone.

How Long Should I Use Minoxidil

6 Months - 1 Year

Now this is a personal answer but it really depends on how much and how fast you see results. I'm someone who over does things so I used it for a while after it made a difference to make sure that "it stuck" because I didn't have a beard website to teach me this. Don't worry, if your hair is now growing in spots you've never seen before then it's not going to just magically disappear after you stop taking it. If you're really freaked out (like I was) then just slowly tapper off of it. For example if you're using 1ml every day then cut it to .5ml for a month then in half again.

Beard Oil Balm

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Women’s Opinion on Beards

I thought about polling women and setting up a well thought out unbiased experiment but you and I know both know the truth, women love beards. I've never met a women who said they didn't like or prefer it, I'm sure you could find some hipster 20 year old women who want their man to look like a chick, shaved down with skinny jeans on but real women prefer the bush...

Here's a Lesson on How Not To Be

Women's opinion on Beards and Body Hair in Misc Stuff Forum

http://ift.tt/2jEGabtI want to marry a woman that likes me hairy everywhere. The only area I consider shaving/trimming is my back (if/when I get back hair). My mom hates beards, back hair, and butt hair. She loves head hair, chest hair, arm hair, and leg hair. My dad had a mustache until I was two. My mom encouraged him to shave it, because it was multicolored. I wish he had kept it. She says ALL women hate beards. I DON'T believe her. She encourages, but does not force me to shave. DON'T WORRY, I won't shave. She has no idea that I will grow a yeard someday. I don't care if she hates beards. Are there some women that prefer beards that are over 1 year length? Do some women like untrimmed chest hair? What about back hair?Read more...
I don't mean to call out some poor kid from a random thread but if you're searching for what women think then you've started in the wrong place. Women love confidence, if you're asking Google what the hell they like then you need to focus on you and becoming the MAN a women would like. Everything superficial is just an elaborate net to catch something good but if you're insecure about anything, even the way your beard looks to someone else then you're going to scare her away when she finds out how much of a mess you are. Moral of the story, women love beards it's a fact. Ask Moses. If you want more awesome articles visit our Beard advice & reviews.

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Best Beard Trimmer For Stubble – 2017 Review

We've all had those beard trimmers that do a decent job on the jaw and chin line but then you get to your neck and it seems like the only way to trim them to the right length is scratch yourself to death so I put together a list of the top 3 choices out there.

3 Best Stubble Beard Trimmers 2017


[caption id="attachment_54296" align="aligncenter" width="388"]Wahl Lithium Ion Image Via Amazon.com[/caption]   The beauty of this one is that the attachments actually work, you're dealing with a trimmer that just happens to have other crap thrown in, kind like target and beard oil. I don't know about you but I've only wanted a nose trimmer on those days when I wake up and notice that it looks like there is a bush growing out of there over night. It's nice to have an attachment to throw on and clean that up. Shave is cleaner than most which I think has to do with the spacing and length of the ridges. My favorite part is that it doesn't grab and rip your neck, I've tried using on of those Costco kits in the past which was clearly made for you head and almost died.

2. Remington MB4040 Lithium Ion Powered Men's Rechargeable Mustache Beard and Stubble Trimmer

[caption id="attachment_54300" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Remington MB4040 Stubble Trimmer Image Via Amazon.com[/caption] Blame Remington for the horrible image lighting, I wanted to show this one because you can see the quality of the attachment covers that come with it. They actually did something smart here and varied the spacing on the covers to work for guys with a very dense beard and those who have one that looks like it's made of wheat. I generally prefer having an adjustable length that's attached to the trimmer like this one instead of all those awful plastic pieces that I lose or step on and break when I'm half asleep.

3. TRYM II - The Rechargeable Modern Hair Clipper Kit

[caption id="attachment_54302" align="aligncenter" width="500"]TRYM 2 Rechargeable Clipper Kit Image Via Amazon.com[/caption] I know what you're thinking, this thing comes with those funky ass plastic attachments but look at it, the damn thing is gorgeous. This is the kind of gift you get as a man that you actually like, I have used this in a bachelor party gift bag before and everyone rolled to the stripclub with one of these in their back pocket. I'm going to definitely have to add this to my list of best guy gifts. Shave is as clean as it looks.


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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Beard Styles For Weak Chin

Little did you know that the scruff upon your face was not just a way to signify your manhood but it's about as useful as Batman's god damn tool belt. While you were just looking for a way to hide your inadequateness as a man you stumbled upon the equivalent of steroids for man hood and women wooing. Now it's not as simple as just not giving an F and letting your beard grow widely with no disregard to your boss or significant other. I realize that there a few obstacles to overcome, for instance the time period between having an amazingly full beard and when it looks like you're just homeless and can't afford to shave. There is also the fact that some people just can't grow a beard and they look like someone has done a controlled burn on parts of their face. With that being said I'm going to tailor this to the less fortunate because if you were able to grow a ridiculous lumberjack beard then you wouldn't be searching for different styles, you would just rock the ZZ Top and be done with it.

 Top Beard Styles For Guys With Weaker Chins


[caption id="attachment_54288" align="alignleft" width="150"]Collin Farrel with a Goatee Image Via Pinterest.com[/caption] One of the more traditional options for deceiving of your lacking chin. While this is a great go to since you don't need full cheek growth there are some draw backs to this. There was a study done that showed that men with goatee's are thought be less trustworthy than men without. Now this study could be like most and be a crock but just do a test for yourself with a celebrity who has sported a goatee in the past and you might have the same result as I did, I don't trust that cartoon looking villain.  

Van Dyke

[caption id="attachment_54289" align="alignright" width="150"]Pierce Brosnan with a Van Dyke Image Via fashioningfeathers.com[/caption] Now if the last one looked like an evil cartoon character then this one is on a whole other level but you're just going to have to own it if you want to hide that disgustingly small chin. This is going to take some serious work and effort to get right, I'm talking consistently using a beard oil, balm and conditioner. On top of that your are going to have to get good with the scissors, this ins't your average trimmer job, this cut is best sculpted with a pair of sheers and a good eye but if you get it right then no women will ever really know what you're hiding.


[caption id="attachment_54290" align="alignleft" width="150"]Balbo Style Image Via wahl.com[/caption] Call me crazy but I think this should be the go to for everyone trying to hide the goods (or should I say no goods). It's classic and clean and don't reek of creeper. Just check out the wonders it did for this poor guy and his dwarf chin. There you have it, 3 ways to get your dignity back and stop being a slave to your face inadequacy. While you're here check out our post on awesome gifts for bearded guys.


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Sunday, January 29, 2017

What Does a Beard Brush Do?

Well the obvious answer is that  a Beard Brush is a professional tool that makes it possible to trim your beard with incredible precision but not all are created equally. There are three types of materials used to make a man brush and the best quality one's are made out of boars hair.

Three Types of Brush Fibers

1. Boars Hair

2. Horse Hair

3. Synthetic

What Are The Best Available Beard Brushes

[wpsm_comparison_table id="3" class=""] Brushes alone won't tame or even maintain a wild beard, they are merely a tool used by professionals and people who want to take their beard to the next level. All brushes need to be packaged with a high quality beard oil product to optimize it's effectiveness.

Why We Don't Trust Amazon Reviews For Brush Quality

To give you a little insight into my world I'm an online marketer, now this should be obvious because who else would make a site about this other than someone who knows how to monetize it. The world of Amazon is a very easy one to game, while Google has done a great job at cleaning up the quality of their results but Amazon reviews are still very easy to game. So the moral of the story is trust me and no one else otherwise you'll probably have a weak beard and end up with man boobs.


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How Much Does a Facial Hair Transplant Cost

Facial Hair Transplant cost anywhere from $3,500 - $7,000 but it's much more than just smacking some body hair on your face. The hair used to turn your middle schooler beard into a full man sized beard comes from the back of your head. I don't know about you but I would take some inadequateness's in the front then a divot in the back.

Beard Transplant Patient

Image via http://ift.tt/iJhWCx

What's The Good News About Beard Transplants

I know there are some serious drawbacks like price and where you get your future beard from but there is a positive side. The results are pretty dramatic, of all the case studies I've seen not only was there a noticeably positive difference but in the majority of cases there was no hint of the procedure. With the current beard trend growing stronger by the month it's obviously appealing to hop on and take the ride and if you've never been able to grow facial hair fully then it's a real consideration to go under the knife but make sure you're ready. It's a pricey and painful surgery to be Mansized!


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Ducktail Beard- How To Trim It

Well first thing I had to do is figure out what the heck they meant by it, all I could picture was Scrooge Mcduck. Once I saw a picture of it I knew instantly what they were talking about, definitely not what I call it from where I'm from but none the less it's a simple process.

To Trim Your Beard Into A Ducktail Beard Follow These Directions

1. Your beard mus be at least 1 inch below your chin.

2. Start at the Top & Center of your chin trimming in an arch motion towards the desired end point of your manscaping invention.

3. Continuously comb down the front of your beard and up your neck to get an accurate length.

4. Begin shaping from your duck point up the left side of your chin gradually decreasing in length.

5. Repeat step four on the right side of your face.

6. Blend sideburns and mustache area to your liking.

guy cutting a ducktail beard For more tips visit our category for all things men's styling - Styling Tips


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Beard Oil CVS Review

What Beard Products CVS Actually Carries

Well I can't figure out who had the horrible idea of carrying this crapy brand first but one of these companies need to get a gold star for being the laziest kid in class. Not only does CVS carry terrible quality of bread products but they chose the same exact line as Walgreen's. Don't try to tell me that they had no choice because it's the hottest selling one on market because I've never heard of this goat piss in a bottle before I started reviewing these stores. I'm tempted to just send you to my Walgreen's beard oil review but I know Google wouldn't appreciate my lack of effort so I guess I'll just rant a little more on my disdain for this sh*t show (side note, who knew that disdain was spelled like that, took me 5 minutes to figure that out). [wpsm_comparison_table id="2" class=""] Now as you can probably tell by the 6 grader artwork these products aren't worth even trying but I still like it's comical to point out that they tried to appeal to one of the most manly demographics in the world by putting a toad looking hipster on the front. I stated this in my other review but I still can't believe that they think by adding numbers to the product that it's going to trick anyone over the age of twelve. If that's the market they are targeting then they hit it, the rare freak of a 7th grader who has a full beard, by all means keep pushing CVS. To check out any of my other jerky but honest reviews or to find out more about beard products as a whole visit Beard Oil Balm homepage.


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